Draw your sailing knowledge!

Export the scenario

Scenario Export

Scenario export toolbar button Press this toolbar button to access Scenario Export options.

If you want to create an image or video from the scenario or its animation, open the Export Scenario window.

Access the Export Scenario dialog by pressing the keys command + E.

You can export the scenario into one of the listed formats:

  • directly to clipboard
  • JPG image / PNG image (if transparent)
  • MP4 video and the website-ready HTML that embeds it
  • MP4 video
  • PDF document

Export settings

If you have an animation, it will be exportes as a series of images or PDF pages, numbered according to the sequence. Number of frames per second is defined in the Preferences > Animation quality.


The site of the image and the contents are directly copied from the Sail Replay window itself. You can choose to export directly what you see, or a scaled-down version of it. You can also define the custom size.


Not all options are applicable for every format:

  • quality defines the image/video compression factor, except for the clipboard, where it is kept at 100%
  • transparent background works only for the clipboard and image format.